Peter Berg

Male | US

Peter Berg (born March 11, 1964) is an American actor, film director, producer and writer. He is known for directing films such as Friday Night Lights, The Kingdom, The Rundown, Hancock and Battleship. He is highly regarded for developing the television series Friday Night Lights, based on the film of the same name which he also directed. In his more recent career he has wor...


Fire in the Sky

as David Whitlock

... 1993


Peter Berg

Date of Birth:

March 11, 1964


United States

Biography of

Peter Berg

Peter Berg (born March 11, 1964) is an American actor, film director, producer and writer. He is known for directing films such as Friday Night Lights, The Kingdom, The Rundown, Hancock and Battleship. He is highly regarded for developing the television series Friday Night Lights, based on the film of the same name which he also directed. In his more recent career he has worked to bring to the big screen true stories of ordinary Americans placed into extraordinary situations (Lone Survivor, Deepwater Horizon, Patriots Day). As an actor he is best known for his role as Dr. Billy Kronk on the 1990s-era CBS medical drama Chicago Hope…

Videos & Photos of

Peter Berg

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Filmography of

Peter Berg

Found 1 movie in total

Fire in the Sky

as David Whitlock

... 1993