Sydney Pollack

Male | US

Sydney Irwin Pollack was an American film director, producer and actor. Pollack studied with Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York City, where he later taught acting. He began directing television shows in the 1960s before moving to films.


Pollack directed more than 21 films and 10 television shows, acted in over 30 films or sho...


Eyes Wide Shut

as Victor Ziegler

... 1999

... 1992


Sydney Pollack

Date of Birth:

July 1, 1934


United States

Biography of

Sydney Pollack

Sydney Irwin Pollack was an American film director, producer and actor. Pollack studied with Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York City, where he later taught acting. He began directing television shows in the 1960s before moving to films.


Pollack directed more than 21 films and 10 television shows, acted in over 30 films or shows, and produced over 44 films. Some of his best known works include Jeremiah Johnson (1972), The Way We Were (1973), Three Days of the Condor (1975) and Absence of Malice (1981). His 1985 film Out…

Videos & Photos of

Sydney Pollack

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Filmography of

Sydney Pollack

Found 2 movies in total

Eyes Wide Shut

as Victor Ziegler

... 1999

... 1992