James Belushi

Male | US

James Adam "Jim" Belushi (born June 15, 1954) is an American actor, comedian and musician. He is best known for his title role of James "Jim" Orenthal on the American sitcom According to Jim. He is the younger brother of the late comic actor John Belushi.


Curly Sue

as Bill Dancer

... 1991


James Belushi

Date of Birth:

June 15, 1954


United States

Biography of

James Belushi

James Adam "Jim" Belushi (born June 15, 1954) is an American actor, comedian and musician. He is best known for his title role of James "Jim" Orenthal on the American sitcom According to Jim. He is the younger brother of the late comic actor John Belushi.

Videos & Photos of

James Belushi

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Filmography of

James Belushi

Found 1 movie in total

Curly Sue

as Bill Dancer

... 1991