Prema Kiran

Female | IN

Prema Kiran is an Indian actress and producer who has worked in the Marathi and Hindi film industry. She is known for movies like Dhum Dhadaka (1985), Paagalpan (2001), Arjun Devaa (2001), Kunku Zale Vairi (2005) and Lagnachi Varat Londonchya Gharat (2009). She also produced the 1989 movie, Utawla Navra.


My Name Is Shruth

as Dr.Kiranmayi

... 2023

... 2004


as Macchiwali

... 2001


Prema Kiran

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024



Biography of

Prema Kiran

Prema Kiran is an Indian actress and producer who has worked in the Marathi and Hindi film industry. She is known for movies like Dhum Dhadaka (1985), Paagalpan (2001), Arjun Devaa (2001), Kunku Zale Vairi (2005) and Lagnachi Varat Londonchya Gharat (2009). She also produced the 1989 movie, Utawla Navra.

Videos & Photos of

Prema Kiran

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Filmography of

Prema Kiran

Found 3 movies in total

My Name Is Shruth

as Dr.Kiranmayi

... 2023

... 2004


as Macchiwali

... 2001