Raj Premi

Male | IN

Raj Premi is a well-known Indian actor, who does negative roles in most of his shows. He was first seen on DD Metro's Shri Krishna in 1993, where he essayed the role of Shishupal. In 1997, he was starred on Sanjay Khan's television series, Jai Hanuman; a story that portrays the life of the Hindu God, Hanuman.


Sanyasi Mera Naam

as Inspector Balihari Singh

... 1999


Raj Premi

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024



Biography of

Raj Premi

Raj Premi is a well-known Indian actor, who does negative roles in most of his shows. He was first seen on DD Metro's Shri Krishna in 1993, where he essayed the role of Shishupal. In 1997, he was starred on Sanjay Khan's television series, Jai Hanuman; a story that portrays the life of the Hindu God, Hanuman.

Videos & Photos of

Raj Premi

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Filmography of

Raj Premi

Found 1 movie in total

Sanyasi Mera Naam

as Inspector Balihari Singh

... 1999