Anika Noni Rose

Female | US


Anika Noni Rose (born September 6, 1972) is an American singer and actress known for her Tony Award winning performance in the Broadway production of Caroline, or Change and her starring roles in the films Dreamgirls and The Princess and the Frog.


Body Cam

as .....

... 2020

Everything, Everything

as Dr. Pauline Whittier

... 2017


Anika Noni Rose

Date of Birth:

September 6, 1972


United States

Biography of

Anika Noni Rose


Anika Noni Rose (born September 6, 1972) is an American singer and actress known for her Tony Award winning performance in the Broadway production of Caroline, or Change and her starring roles in the films Dreamgirls and The Princess and the Frog.

Videos & Photos of

Anika Noni Rose

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Filmography of

Anika Noni Rose

Found 2 movies in total

Body Cam

as .....

... 2020

Everything, Everything

as Dr. Pauline Whittier

... 2017