Robert Rodriguez

Male | US

DescriptionRobert Anthony Rodriguez is an American filmmaker. He shoots, edits, produces, and scores many of his films in Mexico and his home state, Texas. Rodriguez directed the 1992 action film El Mariachi, which was a commercial success after grossing $2 million against a budget of $7,000.


Captain Marvel

as Director

... 2019


Robert Rodriguez

Date of Birth:

June 20, 1968


United States

Biography of

Robert Rodriguez

DescriptionRobert Anthony Rodriguez is an American filmmaker. He shoots, edits, produces, and scores many of his films in Mexico and his home state, Texas. Rodriguez directed the 1992 action film El Mariachi, which was a commercial success after grossing $2 million against a budget of $7,000.

Videos & Photos of

Robert Rodriguez

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Robert Rodriguez

Found 1 movie in total

Captain Marvel

as Director

... 2019