Ryo Yoshizawa

Male | JP

Ryo Yoshizawa is a Japanese actor. His breakthrough roles includes as Okita Sougo in the Gintama live-action films and as Katagiri Yuichi in the Friends Games live-action films. He is known for his expressive eyes and natural acting style.


... 2021


as Uryu Ishida

... 2018


Ryo Yoshizawa

Date of Birth:

February 1, 1994



Biography of

Ryo Yoshizawa

Ryo Yoshizawa is a Japanese actor. His breakthrough roles includes as Okita Sougo in the Gintama live-action films and as Katagiri Yuichi in the Friends Games live-action films. He is known for his expressive eyes and natural acting style.

Videos & Photos of

Ryo Yoshizawa

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Ryo Yoshizawa

Found 2 movies in total

... 2021


as Uryu Ishida

... 2018