Takao Osawa

Female | JP

Takao Osawa (born on March 11, 1968) is a Japanese actor and a former model. He began his career as a fashion model when he was a university student in 1987. He rose to prominence in a lead role on the television drama Heaven's Coins in 1995. He turned his focus to film roles from 2000.


AI Amok

as Kosuke Kiryu

... 2020


Takao Osawa

Date of Birth:

March 11, 1968



Biography of

Takao Osawa

Takao Osawa (born on March 11, 1968) is a Japanese actor and a former model. He began his career as a fashion model when he was a university student in 1987. He rose to prominence in a lead role on the television drama Heaven's Coins in 1995. He turned his focus to film roles from 2000.

Videos & Photos of

Takao Osawa

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Takao Osawa

Found 1 movie in total

AI Amok

as Kosuke Kiryu

... 2020