Christian James

Male | US

Christian James was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Growing up, he excelled both musically and athletically, playing saxophone and competing in multiple sports. At age 20, he started acting and has studied with respected teachers Michael Woolsen and June Barfield. He recently had a guest-starring role on "Nashville" and after he quickly crossed over into films...


Hell Fest

as Quinn

... 2018


Christian James

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024


United States

Biography of

Christian James

Christian James was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Growing up, he excelled both musically and athletically, playing saxophone and competing in multiple sports. At age 20, he started acting and has studied with respected teachers Michael Woolsen and June Barfield. He recently had a guest-starring role on "Nashville" and after he quickly crossed over into films in leading roles. Earlier this year he starred in "Legal Action" as well as CBS Films' highly anticipated "Hellfest."

Videos & Photos of

Christian James

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Christian James

Found 1 movie in total

Hell Fest

as Quinn

... 2018