Debra Wilson

Female | US

Debra Renee Wilson, also known as Debra Wilson Skelton or Debra Skelton, is an American actress, voice actress, comedian and television presenter. Wilson is known for being the longest-serving original cast member on the sketch comedy series Mad TV, having appeared for the show's first eight seasons.



as Dean Hampton

... 2018


Debra Wilson

Date of Birth:

April 2, 1962


United States

Biography of

Debra Wilson

Debra Renee Wilson, also known as Debra Wilson Skelton or Debra Skelton, is an American actress, voice actress, comedian and television presenter. Wilson is known for being the longest-serving original cast member on the sketch comedy series Mad TV, having appeared for the show's first eight seasons.

Videos & Photos of

Debra Wilson

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Photos (0)

Filmography of

Debra Wilson

Found 1 movie in total


as Dean Hampton

... 2018