Allie Marshall

Female | US

Allie Marshall is a New York City based SAG actress, born and raised in the refreshing ocean breeze that charms and fills Rhode Island. She started college and set out to be an athletic trainer at the age of 16 after skipping a year of high school.


Donald Cried

as Bowler

... 2017


Allie Marshall

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024


United States

Biography of

Allie Marshall

Allie Marshall is a New York City based SAG actress, born and raised in the refreshing ocean breeze that charms and fills Rhode Island. She started college and set out to be an athletic trainer at the age of 16 after skipping a year of high school.

Videos & Photos of

Allie Marshall

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Allie Marshall

Found 1 movie in total

Donald Cried

as Bowler

... 2017