Imani Hakim

Female | US

Imani Hakim (born August 13, 1993) is an American actress, notable for her role as Tonya on the television situation-comedy series Everybody Hates Chris (2005–2009) broadcast on The CW Television Network.


Burning Sands

as Rochon

... 2017


Imani Hakim

Date of Birth:

August 12, 1993


United States

Biography of

Imani Hakim

Imani Hakim (born August 13, 1993) is an American actress, notable for her role as Tonya on the television situation-comedy series Everybody Hates Chris (2005–2009) broadcast on The CW Television Network.

Videos & Photos of

Imani Hakim

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Filmography of

Imani Hakim

Found 1 movie in total

Burning Sands

as Rochon

... 2017