Female | US
Daniella Pineda (born February 20, 1987) is a Mexican-American actress, writer and comedian from Oakland, California.In January 2013 it was announced that she was cast as the witch Sophie for episode 4x20 of the CW's hitseries The Vampire Diaries. This episode serves as a backdoor-pilot for a possible spin-off series, revolving around The Originals and taking place in th...
Daniella Pineda (born February 20, 1987) is a Mexican-American actress, writer and comedian from Oakland, California.In January 2013 it was announced that she was cast as the witch Sophie for episode 4x20 of the CW's hitseries The Vampire Diaries. This episode serves as a backdoor-pilot for a possible spin-off series, revolving around The Originals and taking place in the French Quarter of New Orleans