Parker Mack

Male | US

Parker Mack Klebenow, known professionally as Parker Mack, is an American actor, writer, musician, and director, who is best known for his role as Finn Madill in the Freeform drama Chasing Life, and as Felix Turner in the MTV romantic comedy series, Faking It.


The Darkness

as Andrew Carter

... 2016


Parker Mack

Date of Birth:

October 25, 1996


United States

Biography of

Parker Mack

Parker Mack Klebenow, known professionally as Parker Mack, is an American actor, writer, musician, and director, who is best known for his role as Finn Madill in the Freeform drama Chasing Life, and as Felix Turner in the MTV romantic comedy series, Faking It.

Videos & Photos of

Parker Mack

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Filmography of

Parker Mack

Found 1 movie in total

The Darkness

as Andrew Carter

... 2016