Jane McNeill

Female | US

Jane McNeill-Balter, professionally credited as Jane McNeill, is an American stage, film and television actress, best known to television audiences for her recurring role as Patricia on the second season of The Walking Dead.


Free State of Jones

as Miss Ellie

... 2016


Jane McNeill

Date of Birth:

June 21, 1966


United States

Biography of

Jane McNeill

Jane McNeill-Balter, professionally credited as Jane McNeill, is an American stage, film and television actress, best known to television audiences for her recurring role as Patricia on the second season of The Walking Dead.

Videos & Photos of

Jane McNeill

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Jane McNeill

Found 1 movie in total

Free State of Jones

as Miss Ellie

... 2016