Michael Winslow

Male | US

Michael Winslow (born September 6, 1958) is an American actor and a comedian known as the "Man of 10,000 Sound Effects" for his ability to make realistic sound effects using only his voice. He lives in Winter Springs, Florida, an outlying suburb of Orlando.



as Police Detective

... 2016


Michael Winslow

Date of Birth:

September 6, 1958


United States

Biography of

Michael Winslow

Michael Winslow (born September 6, 1958) is an American actor and a comedian known as the "Man of 10,000 Sound Effects" for his ability to make realistic sound effects using only his voice. He lives in Winter Springs, Florida, an outlying suburb of Orlando.

Videos & Photos of

Michael Winslow

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Michael Winslow

Found 1 movie in total


as Police Detective

... 2016