Alexa Nisenson

Female | US

Alexa Nisenson is an emerging young talent with credits as diverse as her abilities. She is best known for her stand out performances in feature films. Alexa won the critics hearts for her performance in the role of "Georgia" in "Middle School The Worst Years of My Life".



Alexa Nisenson

Date of Birth:

June 8, 2006


United States

Biography of

Alexa Nisenson

Alexa Nisenson is an emerging young talent with credits as diverse as her abilities. She is best known for her stand out performances in feature films. Alexa won the critics hearts for her performance in the role of "Georgia" in "Middle School The Worst Years of My Life".

Videos & Photos of

Alexa Nisenson

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Filmography of

Alexa Nisenson

Found 1 movie in total