Peter Mensah

Male | GH

Peter Mensah (born on 27 August 1959 in Accra, Ghana), is an English/Ghanaian actor, best known for his roles in Tears of the Sun and 300, and more recently on the Starz original series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, and Spartacus: Vengeance.

Mensah comes from an academic family. He was born in Ghana, to parents of the Ashanti People but...


Kevin Hart: What Now?

as African Dictator

... 2016


Peter Mensah

Date of Birth:

August 27, 1959



Biography of

Peter Mensah

Peter Mensah (born on 27 August 1959 in Accra, Ghana), is an English/Ghanaian actor, best known for his roles in Tears of the Sun and 300, and more recently on the Starz original series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, and Spartacus: Vengeance.

Mensah comes from an academic family. He was born in Ghana, to parents of the Ashanti People but he moved to Hertfordshire, England with his father, an engineer, and his mother, a writer and two younger sisters at a young age. Mensah moved to Canada 11 years ago. He emigrated from Britain to see the world and it was a toss-up whether his destination would be Canada or Australia. The paperwork for Canada came through first.

Videos & Photos of

Peter Mensah

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Filmography of

Peter Mensah

Found 1 movie in total

Kevin Hart: What Now?

as African Dictator

... 2016