Penn Badgley

Male | US

Penn Dayton Badgley (born November 1, 1986) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Dan Humphrey on the CW television series Gossip Girl. He has also starred in the movies John Tucker Must Die, The Stepfather, and Easy A.



as Posthumus

... 2015


Penn Badgley

Date of Birth:

November 1, 1986


United States

Biography of

Penn Badgley

Penn Dayton Badgley (born November 1, 1986) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Dan Humphrey on the CW television series Gossip Girl. He has also starred in the movies John Tucker Must Die, The Stepfather, and Easy A.

Videos & Photos of

Penn Badgley

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Penn Badgley

Found 1 movie in total


as Posthumus

... 2015