Steven Luke

Male | US

Steven is a graduate of South Dakota State University, where he pursued and honed his natural love of acting. His most recent works include "Souvenirs" starring Academy Award nominee James Cromwell and "The Deep End," for which he earned a Best Actor recognition at the 2011 Fischgaard Short Film Competition.


War Pigs

as Preacher

... 2015


Steven Luke

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024


United States

Biography of

Steven Luke

Steven is a graduate of South Dakota State University, where he pursued and honed his natural love of acting. His most recent works include "Souvenirs" starring Academy Award nominee James Cromwell and "The Deep End," for which he earned a Best Actor recognition at the 2011 Fischgaard Short Film Competition.

Videos & Photos of

Steven Luke

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Steven Luke

Found 1 movie in total

War Pigs

as Preacher

... 2015