Judah Friedlander

Male | US

Judah Friedlander (born March 16, 1969) is an American actor and comedian, known for his trademark trucker hats, oversized glasses and unkempt appearance, which he retains in many of his screen roles.


... 2014


Judah Friedlander

Date of Birth:

March 16, 1969


United States

Biography of

Judah Friedlander

Judah Friedlander (born March 16, 1969) is an American actor and comedian, known for his trademark trucker hats, oversized glasses and unkempt appearance, which he retains in many of his screen roles.

Videos & Photos of

Judah Friedlander

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Filmography of

Judah Friedlander

Found 1 movie in total

... 2014