Sasha Grey

Female | US

Sasha Grey (born March 14, 1988) is a former American pornographic actress who has since become a mainstream actress, model, author and musician. After her feature film debut as the lead in Steven Soderbergh's "The Girlfriend Experience", she shifted her focus to mainstream acting. She starred in the black comedy/horror film "Smash Cut", and played a...


... 2014


Sasha Grey

Date of Birth:

March 14, 1988


United States

Biography of

Sasha Grey

Sasha Grey (born March 14, 1988) is a former American pornographic actress who has since become a mainstream actress, model, author and musician. After her feature film debut as the lead in Steven Soderbergh's "The Girlfriend Experience", she shifted her focus to mainstream acting. She starred in the black comedy/horror film "Smash Cut", and played a semi-fictionalized version of herself in the seventh season of the HBO television series "Entourage". She has also appeared in independent films, such as "I Melt With You". She is a former member of aTelecine, an industrial music band.

Videos & Photos of

Sasha Grey

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Filmography of

Sasha Grey

Found 1 movie in total

... 2014