Sarah Lancaster

Female | US

Sarah Lancaster (born February 12, 1980) is an American actress. She is known for her roles of Rachel in Saved by the Bell: The New Class and Madison Kellner on Everwood. She also had a recurring guest role on NBC's Scrubs as JD's love-interest, Lisa the Gift-Shop Girl, and played Marjorie in ABC's TV series What About Brian. In 2005 she starred in the TV movie L...


The Judge

as Lisa Palmer

... 2014


Sarah Lancaster

Date of Birth:

February 12, 1980


United States

Biography of

Sarah Lancaster

Sarah Lancaster (born February 12, 1980) is an American actress. She is known for her roles of Rachel in Saved by the Bell: The New Class and Madison Kellner on Everwood. She also had a recurring guest role on NBC's Scrubs as JD's love-interest, Lisa the Gift-Shop Girl, and played Marjorie in ABC's TV series What About Brian. In 2005 she starred in the TV movie Living With the Enemy with Mark Humphrey. Lancaster currently co-stars in the NBC comedy-spy series Chuck, as the title character's sister, Ellie Bartowski and has done so since the show's inception.

Videos & Photos of

Sarah Lancaster

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Filmography of

Sarah Lancaster

Found 1 movie in total

The Judge

as Lisa Palmer

... 2014