Cory Michael Smith

Male | US

Cory Michael Smith (born November 14, 1986) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Edward Nygma in the Fox television series Gotham (2014–2019).


Call Jane

as Dean

... 2022

Camp X-Ray

as Bergen

... 2014


Cory Michael Smith

Date of Birth:

November 14, 1986


United States

Biography of

Cory Michael Smith

Cory Michael Smith (born November 14, 1986) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Edward Nygma in the Fox television series Gotham (2014–2019).

Videos & Photos of

Cory Michael Smith

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Cory Michael Smith

Found 2 movies in total

Call Jane

as Dean

... 2022

Camp X-Ray

as Bergen

... 2014