Dree Hemingway

Female | US

Dree Louise Hemingway Crisman (born December 4, 1987) is an American fashion model and actress. She is the daughter of actress Mariel Hemingway and Stephen Crisman, as well as the niece of the late model and actress Margaux Hemingway. American author Ernest Hemingway is her maternal great-grandfather.


... 2014


Dree Hemingway

Date of Birth:

December 4, 1987


United States

Biography of

Dree Hemingway

Dree Louise Hemingway Crisman (born December 4, 1987) is an American fashion model and actress. She is the daughter of actress Mariel Hemingway and Stephen Crisman, as well as the niece of the late model and actress Margaux Hemingway. American author Ernest Hemingway is her maternal great-grandfather.

Videos & Photos of

Dree Hemingway

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Filmography of

Dree Hemingway

Found 1 movie in total

... 2014