Jessica Chaffin

Female | US

Jessica Chaffin is an American actress, comedian, and writer best known as part of the comedy duo Ronna and Beverly with Jamie Denbo. She is also known for her recurring roles as Coco Wexler on Nickelodeon's Zoey 101, Marie Faldonado in the CBS sitcom Man with a Plan and appearing in the films Spy and The Heat.



as Debbie

... 2020


Jessica Chaffin

Date of Birth:

January 5, 1982


United States

Biography of

Jessica Chaffin

Jessica Chaffin is an American actress, comedian, and writer best known as part of the comedy duo Ronna and Beverly with Jamie Denbo. She is also known for her recurring roles as Coco Wexler on Nickelodeon's Zoey 101, Marie Faldonado in the CBS sitcom Man with a Plan and appearing in the films Spy and The Heat.

Videos & Photos of

Jessica Chaffin

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Filmography of

Jessica Chaffin

Found 1 movie in total


as Debbie

... 2020