Joanna Adler

Female | US

Joanna P. Adler is an American actress, known for her roles in Off-Broadway plays. She won an Obie Award in 1995. In 2014, Adler starred in the second season of the Lifetime television series Devious Maids.


An American Pickle

as Professor Kim

... 2020


Joanna Adler

Date of Birth:

January 1, 1964


United States

Biography of

Joanna Adler

Joanna P. Adler is an American actress, known for her roles in Off-Broadway plays. She won an Obie Award in 1995. In 2014, Adler starred in the second season of the Lifetime television series Devious Maids.

Videos & Photos of

Joanna Adler

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Filmography of

Joanna Adler

Found 1 movie in total

An American Pickle

as Professor Kim

... 2020