Colby Minifie

Female | US

Colby Minifie, is an American actress. She began acting at the age of eleven and was a YoungArts scholar; she graduated from the City University of New York in 2014. She performed for four years with the National Dance Institute. She has appeared on and off Broadway, in television and in films. 



Colby Minifie

Date of Birth:

January 31, 1972


United States

Biography of

Colby Minifie

Colby Minifie, is an American actress. She began acting at the age of eleven and was a YoungArts scholar; she graduated from the City University of New York in 2014. She performed for four years with the National Dance Institute. She has appeared on and off Broadway, in television and in films. 

Videos & Photos of

Colby Minifie

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Filmography of

Colby Minifie

Found 1 movie in total