Wiley Wiggins

Male | US

Wiley Ramsey Wiggins (November 6, 1976) is an American film actor and blogger. A native of Austin, Texas, he is the nephew of Lanny Wiggins, who was a member of Janis Joplin's early band, The Waller Creek Boys.Wiggins starred in Richard Linklater's films Dazed and Confused (at the age of 16) and Waking Life (at the age of 25). He was involved in early '90s cyberc...


Computer Chess

as Beuscher

... 2013


Wiley Wiggins

Date of Birth:

November 6, 1976


United States

Biography of

Wiley Wiggins

Wiley Ramsey Wiggins (November 6, 1976) is an American film actor and blogger. A native of Austin, Texas, he is the nephew of Lanny Wiggins, who was a member of Janis Joplin's early band, The Waller Creek Boys.Wiggins starred in Richard Linklater's films Dazed and Confused (at the age of 16) and Waking Life (at the age of 25). He was involved in early '90s cyberculture, and wrote occasionally for such magazines as FringeWare Review, Mondo 2000, and Boing Boing. His current weblog, "It's Not For Everyone", focuses on film, art, technology and free culture.

Videos & Photos of

Wiley Wiggins

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Wiley Wiggins

Found 1 movie in total

Computer Chess

as Beuscher

... 2013