Héctor Elizondo

Male | US

Héctor Elizondo (born December 22, 1936) is an American actor. Elizondo excelled in sports and later contemplated becoming an educator. Elizondo's first major role was that of "God" in a play for which he won an Obie Award. Since then Elizondo has participated in over eighty films and has made numerous television appearances, including his Emmy Award-win...


... 2013


Héctor Elizondo

Date of Birth:

December 22, 1996


United States

Biography of

Héctor Elizondo

Héctor Elizondo (born December 22, 1936) is an American actor. Elizondo excelled in sports and later contemplated becoming an educator. Elizondo's first major role was that of "God" in a play for which he won an Obie Award. Since then Elizondo has participated in over eighty films and has made numerous television appearances, including his Emmy Award-winning role on the series Chicago Hope.

Videos & Photos of

Héctor Elizondo

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Filmography of

Héctor Elizondo

Found 1 movie in total

... 2013