Kane Hodder

Male | US

Kane Warren Hodder (born April 8, 1955) is an American actor and stuntman. Standing 6 ft 2.5 in (189.2 cm), he is best known for his portrayal of Jason Voorhees in four films from the Friday the 13th film series (parts VII through X). He is also known for his role as Victor Crowley in Hatchet.


Hatchet III

as Victor Crowley

... 2013


Kane Hodder

Date of Birth:

April 8, 1955


United States

Biography of

Kane Hodder

Kane Warren Hodder (born April 8, 1955) is an American actor and stuntman. Standing 6 ft 2.5 in (189.2 cm), he is best known for his portrayal of Jason Voorhees in four films from the Friday the 13th film series (parts VII through X). He is also known for his role as Victor Crowley in Hatchet.

Videos & Photos of

Kane Hodder

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Filmography of

Kane Hodder

Found 1 movie in total

Hatchet III

as Victor Crowley

... 2013