Brittney Alger

Female | US

Brittney Alger is an American actress, born in Westlake, Ohio. She first realized she had an itch for drama while studying theatre in high school. Brittney participated in various plays and musicals, it was then that she realized the power it had to connect people.


Hell Baby

as Italian Nurse

... 2013


Brittney Alger

Date of Birth:

October 25, 1988


United States

Biography of

Brittney Alger

Brittney Alger is an American actress, born in Westlake, Ohio. She first realized she had an itch for drama while studying theatre in high school. Brittney participated in various plays and musicals, it was then that she realized the power it had to connect people.

Videos & Photos of

Brittney Alger

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Brittney Alger

Found 1 movie in total

Hell Baby

as Italian Nurse

... 2013