Larry Fessenden

Male | US

Laurence T. Fessenden is an American actor, producer, writer, director, film editor, and cinematographer. He is the founder of the New York based independent production shingle Glass Eye Pix.


Jug Face

as Sustin

... 2013

The Battery

as Frank

... 2012


Larry Fessenden

Date of Birth:

March 23, 1963


United States

Biography of

Larry Fessenden

Laurence T. Fessenden is an American actor, producer, writer, director, film editor, and cinematographer. He is the founder of the New York based independent production shingle Glass Eye Pix.

Videos & Photos of

Larry Fessenden

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Filmography of

Larry Fessenden

Found 2 movies in total

Jug Face

as Sustin

... 2013

The Battery

as Frank

... 2012