Diana Lyubenova

Female | BG

Diana Lyubenova was born on November 24, 1972 in Vidin. She graduated in acting at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Art, Sofia, Bulgaria in the class of Professor Nadezhda Seykova in 1998 . Her cinema debut is in the film "BG"(1996), directed by Georgi Djulgerov and Svetoslav Ovtcharov.


... 2013


Diana Lyubenova

Date of Birth:

November 24, 1972



Biography of

Diana Lyubenova

Diana Lyubenova was born on November 24, 1972 in Vidin. She graduated in acting at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Art, Sofia, Bulgaria in the class of Professor Nadezhda Seykova in 1998 . Her cinema debut is in the film "BG"(1996), directed by Georgi Djulgerov and Svetoslav Ovtcharov.

Videos & Photos of

Diana Lyubenova

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Filmography of

Diana Lyubenova

Found 1 movie in total

... 2013