Anna Maria Horsford

Female | US

Anna Maria Horsford is an American actress, known for her performances in television comedies. Horsford is best known for her roles as Thelma Frye on the NBC sitcom Amen, and as Dee Baxter on the WB sitcom The Wayans Bros. She had dramatic roles on the FX crime drama The Shield playing A.D.A. 


... 2013

Date of Birth:

March 6, 1948


United States

Biography of

Anna Maria Horsford

Anna Maria Horsford is an American actress, known for her performances in television comedies. Horsford is best known for her roles as Thelma Frye on the NBC sitcom Amen, and as Dee Baxter on the WB sitcom The Wayans Bros. She had dramatic roles on the FX crime drama The Shield playing A.D.A. 

Videos & Photos of

Anna Maria Horsford

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Filmography of

Anna Maria Horsford

Found 1 movie in total

... 2013