Lisa Jane Persky

Female | US

Lisa Jane Persky (born May 5, 1955) is an American actress.Persky was born in New York City, New York, the daughter of Jane Holley (née Wilson) and Mort Persky. She grew up in New York's Greenwich Village and attended the High School of Art and Design.She debuted as Robert Duvall's daughter in The Great Santini and went on to act in such movies as American Pop...


I Am Divine

as Herself

... 2013


Lisa Jane Persky

Date of Birth:

May 5, 1955


United States

Biography of

Lisa Jane Persky

Lisa Jane Persky (born May 5, 1955) is an American actress.Persky was born in New York City, New York, the daughter of Jane Holley (née Wilson) and Mort Persky. She grew up in New York's Greenwich Village and attended the High School of Art and Design.She debuted as Robert Duvall's daughter in The Great Santini and went on to act in such movies as American Pop, The Big Easy, When Harry Met Sally..., Coneheads, KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park, and Peggy Sue Got Married.

Videos & Photos of

Lisa Jane Persky

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Filmography of

Lisa Jane Persky

Found 1 movie in total

I Am Divine

as Herself

... 2013