America Olivo

Female | US

America Olivo (a.k.a. America Campbell; born January 5, 1978) is an actress and singer most notable for her membership in the Spanish- & English-language band Soluna. Born in Los Angeles, she has multiple citizenships: US, Canadian, and Italian. Born to father Nello Olivo and mother Danica d'Hondt (Miss Canada 1959). She is currently appearing on Broadway as Arachne...


No One Lives

as Tamara

... 2013


America Olivo

Date of Birth:

January 5, 1978


United States

Biography of

America Olivo

America Olivo (a.k.a. America Campbell; born January 5, 1978) is an actress and singer most notable for her membership in the Spanish- & English-language band Soluna. Born in Los Angeles, she has multiple citizenships: US, Canadian, and Italian. Born to father Nello Olivo and mother Danica d'Hondt (Miss Canada 1959). She is currently appearing on Broadway as Arachne in Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.

Videos & Photos of

America Olivo

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Filmography of

America Olivo

Found 1 movie in total

No One Lives

as Tamara

... 2013