Elizabeth Peña

Female | US

Elizabeth Peña (born September 23, 1961 - died October 14, 2014) was an American actress, and the daughter of a theater-company co-founder, who has also compiled experience as a television director in her own right. Peña was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, daughter of Estella Margarita (née Toirac), an arts administrator and producer, and Mario Peñ...



as Dr. Lopez

... 2013


Elizabeth Peña

Date of Birth:

September 23, 1961


United States

Biography of

Elizabeth Peña

Elizabeth Peña (born September 23, 1961 - died October 14, 2014) was an American actress, and the daughter of a theater-company co-founder, who has also compiled experience as a television director in her own right. Peña was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, daughter of Estella Margarita (née Toirac), an arts administrator and producer, and Mario Peña, the Cuban-born actor, writer, and director who jointly founded the Latin American Theatre Ensemble. It is unknown whether Peña was named after the town of her birth. Peña graduated from New York's High School of Performing Arts in 1977. Her classmates included Ving Rhames, alongside whom she would later co-star in Jacob's Ladder, and Esai Morales, alongside whom she would later co-star in La Bamba. She is also a founding member of the Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors.

Videos & Photos of

Elizabeth Peña

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Filmography of

Elizabeth Peña

Found 1 movie in total


as Dr. Lopez

... 2013