Oliver Cooper

Male | US


Oliver Cooper was born on December 2, 1989 in Toledo, Ohio. In 2009, at the age of 19, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career as an actor and quickly landed an internship at CONAN. While taking an acting class, a fellow classmate told him that Warner Brothers was looking for fresh young faces to star in the Todd Phillips produced Project X and that Coope...


Runner Runner

as Andrew Cronin

... 2013


Oliver Cooper

Date of Birth:

January 1, 1989


United States

Biography of

Oliver Cooper


Oliver Cooper was born on December 2, 1989 in Toledo, Ohio. In 2009, at the age of 19, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career as an actor and quickly landed an internship at CONAN. While taking an acting class, a fellow classmate told him that Warner Brothers was looking for fresh young faces to star in the Todd Phillips produced Project X and that Cooper would be perfect. With no representation, Oliver enlisted his friend, a former child star, Shaun Weiss, to help him secure an audition. Judd Apatow, who had worked with Weiss on Heavyweights, put in a call to the casting office. With a head shot taken on a cell phone camera, and against-all-odds, Cooper landed one of the lead roles in his very first audition. His debut performance as Costa earned him two MTV Movie Award nominations for Best Comedic Performance and Best On-Screen Dirtbag.

Videos & Photos of

Oliver Cooper

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Filmography of

Oliver Cooper

Found 1 movie in total

Runner Runner

as Andrew Cronin

... 2013