Nancy Stafford

Female | US

Nancy Elizabeth Stafford is an American actress, speaker and author, known for her roles on television. She came to prominence in the 1980s as Michelle Thomas, law partner, on five seasons of Matlock. She later hosted a syndicated TV series called Main Floor, a show about fashion and beauty.


Season of Miracles

as Nurse Barbara

... 2013


Nancy Stafford

Date of Birth:

June 5, 1954


United States

Biography of

Nancy Stafford

Nancy Elizabeth Stafford is an American actress, speaker and author, known for her roles on television. She came to prominence in the 1980s as Michelle Thomas, law partner, on five seasons of Matlock. She later hosted a syndicated TV series called Main Floor, a show about fashion and beauty.

Videos & Photos of

Nancy Stafford

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Filmography of

Nancy Stafford

Found 1 movie in total

Season of Miracles

as Nurse Barbara

... 2013