Christa Campbell

Female | US

Christa Campbell (born December 7, 1972) is an American actress who started her career in softcore pornography, and later broke into horror films. She had roles in films including 2001 Maniacs, Wicker Man, and Day of the Dead.


Spiders 3D

as Rachel

... 2013


Christa Campbell

Date of Birth:

December 7, 1972


United States

Biography of

Christa Campbell

Christa Campbell (born December 7, 1972) is an American actress who started her career in softcore pornography, and later broke into horror films. She had roles in films including 2001 Maniacs, Wicker Man, and Day of the Dead.

Videos & Photos of

Christa Campbell

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Christa Campbell

Found 1 movie in total

Spiders 3D

as Rachel

... 2013