Fachry Albar

Male | ID

Fachri Albar (born in Jakarta, November 15, 1981) is an Indonesian actor who has a hobby of reading books and watching movies. Films starred by this actor of Arab descent are Alexandria (2005), Dead Time (2007), and Forbidden Door (2009); two of which is directed by director Joko Anwar. Not only in film, Fachri also co-starred in several soap opera titles like Malin Kundang,...



as Adam

... 2013


Fachry Albar

Date of Birth:

November 15, 1981



Biography of

Fachry Albar

Fachri Albar (born in Jakarta, November 15, 1981) is an Indonesian actor who has a hobby of reading books and watching movies. Films starred by this actor of Arab descent are Alexandria (2005), Dead Time (2007), and Forbidden Door (2009); two of which is directed by director Joko Anwar. Not only in film, Fachri also co-starred in several soap opera titles like Malin Kundang, Light of Heaven, Sujudku and recently starred in a soap opera Tobat Sambel alongside actress Laudya Cynthia Bella.

Videos & Photos of

Fachry Albar

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Filmography of

Fachry Albar

Found 1 movie in total


as Adam

... 2013