Nicolas Wright

Male | CA

Nicolas Wright (born March 23) is a Canadian actor. Wright has performed on stage, television and film. In 2004, he received the "most promising newcomer" award at the Just for Laughs film festival in Montreal for his short film, Toutouffe.


White House Down

as Donnie the Guide

... 2013


Nicolas Wright

Date of Birth:

March 23, 1982



Biography of

Nicolas Wright

Nicolas Wright (born March 23) is a Canadian actor. Wright has performed on stage, television and film. In 2004, he received the "most promising newcomer" award at the Just for Laughs film festival in Montreal for his short film, Toutouffe.

Videos & Photos of

Nicolas Wright

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Filmography of

Nicolas Wright

Found 1 movie in total

White House Down

as Donnie the Guide

... 2013