Kristen Quintrall

Female | US

Born and raised in Germany to a military family, Kristen Quintrall attended Flordia State University's film school. Not content to learn just one aspect, Kristen focused her efforts on acting, writing, editing and directing. Upon graduation, she packed her things and moved to Los Angeles.


Battlefield America

as Bang Squad Fan

... 2012


Kristen Quintrall

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024


United States

Biography of

Kristen Quintrall

Born and raised in Germany to a military family, Kristen Quintrall attended Flordia State University's film school. Not content to learn just one aspect, Kristen focused her efforts on acting, writing, editing and directing. Upon graduation, she packed her things and moved to Los Angeles.

Videos & Photos of

Kristen Quintrall

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Kristen Quintrall

Found 1 movie in total

Battlefield America

as Bang Squad Fan

... 2012