Rosemberg Salgado

Male | US

Rosemberg Salgado is an Hispanic actor who has worked with many well-known Mexican actors and filmmakers. Now living in the United States, he continues to work in Mexico, L.A., throughout the U.S. and the world. He began his acting career at the age of 7 in Mexico City where he was born.


Border Run

as Rafael

... 2012


Rosemberg Salgado

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024


United States

Biography of

Rosemberg Salgado

Rosemberg Salgado is an Hispanic actor who has worked with many well-known Mexican actors and filmmakers. Now living in the United States, he continues to work in Mexico, L.A., throughout the U.S. and the world. He began his acting career at the age of 7 in Mexico City where he was born.

Videos & Photos of

Rosemberg Salgado

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Filmography of

Rosemberg Salgado

Found 1 movie in total

Border Run

as Rafael

... 2012