Harmony Santana

Female | US

Harmony Santana is an American film actress. She is most noted for her appearance in the 2011 film Gun Hill Road, for which she garnered an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress, and became the first openly transgender actress to be nominated for a major acting award in the United States.



Harmony Santana

Date of Birth:

January 1, 1991


United States

Biography of

Harmony Santana

Harmony Santana is an American film actress. She is most noted for her appearance in the 2011 film Gun Hill Road, for which she garnered an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress, and became the first openly transgender actress to be nominated for a major acting award in the United States.

Videos & Photos of

Harmony Santana

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Filmography of

Harmony Santana

Found 1 movie in total