Mary Elizabeth Ellis

Female | US

Mary Elizabeth Ellis (born May 11, 1979 in Laurel, Mississippi, height 5' 4" (1,63 m)) is an American actress and writer best known for her recurring role as "The Waitress" on the FX comedy series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. She also starred in the NBC sitcom Perfect Couples.



as Paula

... 2020

Date of Birth:

May 11, 1979


United States

Biography of

Mary Elizabeth Ellis

Mary Elizabeth Ellis (born May 11, 1979 in Laurel, Mississippi, height 5' 4" (1,63 m)) is an American actress and writer best known for her recurring role as "The Waitress" on the FX comedy series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. She also starred in the NBC sitcom Perfect Couples.

Videos & Photos of

Mary Elizabeth Ellis

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Filmography of

Mary Elizabeth Ellis

Found 1 movie in total


as Paula

... 2020