Emma Dumont

Female | US

Emma Dumont (born Emma Noelle Roberts; November 15, 1994) is an American actress, model, and dancer. She is best known for her roles as Melanie Segal in the ABC Family series Bunheads, as Emma Karn on the NBC series Aquarius and as Polaris on the FOX series The Gifted.


Wrong Turn

as Milla D'Angelo

... 2021


Emma Dumont

Date of Birth:

November 15, 1994


United States

Biography of

Emma Dumont

Emma Dumont (born Emma Noelle Roberts; November 15, 1994) is an American actress, model, and dancer. She is best known for her roles as Melanie Segal in the ABC Family series Bunheads, as Emma Karn on the NBC series Aquarius and as Polaris on the FOX series The Gifted.

Videos & Photos of

Emma Dumont

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Filmography of

Emma Dumont

Found 1 movie in total

Wrong Turn

as Milla D'Angelo

... 2021