Nanna Blondell

Female | FI

Nanna Blondell is an actress and director, known for Black Widow (2020), Hassel (2017), Boys (2015) and Real Humans (2012).


Attack on Finland

as Sylvia Madsen

... 2022


Nanna Blondell

Date of Birth:

August 6, 1986



Biography of

Nanna Blondell

Nanna Blondell is an actress and director, known for Black Widow (2020), Hassel (2017), Boys (2015) and Real Humans (2012).

Videos & Photos of

Nanna Blondell

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Nanna Blondell

Found 1 movie in total

Attack on Finland

as Sylvia Madsen

... 2022